RC Plane Tips For The Novice

You have seen or heard about Radio Controlled (RC) planes and are eager to fly one. Flying RC planes is not just about purchasing a model plane with a radio device and rushing to the public park to fly it. There are a number of things, you should know before engaging yourself in flying model RC planes. The tips given below will be beneficial for a novice opting for this hobby.
First, as a novice, select the model that will suit you, to learn how to fly. Not all RC planes are meant for a beginner, since some planes have more control options than others. Though for a novice, there are two major types that are suitable. The first one is the Park flyer and the second the trainer. Park flyers are so called, since they can be flown on a big public park and sometimes in an enclosed area like a gym. However, trainers as the name suggest are most suited to someone willing to learn, how to fly. But, there are also some tips to be considered before buying a trainer.
First, you should buy a trainer that is easily repairable, in case of damage. To have a crash is common, especially in the initial days of training and learning. Hence, your plane should be easy to repair and not take away the fun from your hobby. Secondly, buy a trainer, whose parts are readily available, so that in case you need to replace a part, you don't have to wait till you lose interest in flying, before getting the spare part.
You should get a trainer with lesser parts, so that the parts are easily available and it can be easily repaired. You should also get a trainer that is easy to control. Some models have difficult controls. Therefore, seek advice from those who have flown them in the past. You should also get a model with accessories like batteries and chargers that are reliable and can be replaced easily.
While buying your model RC plane, you should know, if you want to assemble it yourself or you want to buy one that is ready to fly. There are three models. Namely, ready to fly, almost ready to fly and kits. The ready to fly models don't need much assembling after you buy them. What you really need to fix, may be the wings and other small outer parts, which come with the purchase. The almost ready to fly are not fully assembled and so you have to assemble most of the parts. And the kits come as chips and parts, which you have to assemble from the scratch.
Lastly, if you wish to learn quickly, you need to put in efforts and be calm and patient. Don't be overexcited to succeed. Take your time and you can learn even better without a guide. But, it is advisable to seek help from an expert, especially from a flying club nearby.
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