Tuesday, May 31, 2011
GYRO Pilot Pro 3.5CH Electric RTF Remote Control RC Helicopter (Color May Vary)
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Monday, May 30, 2011
Aerial photography with RC helicopters
Over the years, the use of remote control helicopters for aerial applications, a huge leap forward has taken over the mainstream. This is due mainly to increased attention in the press and more people know what is possible. The basic technology was actually a bit ', but only recently has become less expensive, more reliable and with some new features, much safer.
So how do you make your setup aerial photography in the air?There are three essential elements to consider:
Rc Helicopter
* The fuselage is that you want to use.
* The gimbaled camera, control and display system.
* Stabilization and technology guidance.
The best way to decide what to use remote-controlled helicopter for aerial photography project, first decide what weight camera or video camera, you want to use. If you are looking for a solution with a small budget point-and-go shoot, decide, then you can with a smaller helicopter liftWeight. However, if you all want to go DSLR with aerial photography, then you need a larger helicopter, at least-600 class, to lift the required weight. Stick with electric motors, the advantages of reducing vibration and noise. The helicopter would have to build a good quality, can withstand heavy lifting, and then modified according to your wishes to be true and Maxi Joker Series a popular choice.
Once you go to a helicopter, ready, make sure you can fly easily.Then you do best to mount on your point of view of the camera - made before or after. Both work best in different situations, but I prefer a system of front-side, because it is easier to isolate it from vibration, and allows a better angle to shoot. The weight can be compensated under the tail, insert the batteries. Vibration isolation is very important, it is worth buying a more expensive mount that does a better job than this. The control can be achieved by asecond radio system (and a second operator is advised). Control pan, tilt, roll, shutter speed and many other functions are possible as well as the video links below so you can see, and to frame shots from the floor.
stabilization of remote-controlled helicopter flight were quickly moved recently, with new innovations and technology military UAV their way into the commercial market. I would recommend at least a basic system, as it will provide a verystable shooting platform. If you are an experienced driver, this will be enough. However, if your budget can accommodate the effort, there are systems autopilot is able to fly your helicopter aircraft without manual input through pre-programmed GPS waypoints. Security is also a great advantage of these systems, holds a helicopter stable if the communication is interrupted to return to its point of take-off automatically with the most advanced systems.
A final word must be saidplay in the field of insurance and a license for the platforms in the UK. As far as I know there are systems designed for small unmanned aerial photography in Britain, but there is no coverage for public accountability and the assurance that I recommend to take both. Finally, the Civil Aviation Authority requires that the work of antenna that has to do with out their permission from the United Kingdom. They are the foremost authority in this area and many others consideredCountries according to their approach.
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Diecast Helicopter Model - Black Shark Ka-50 attack helicopter
About Ka-50 attack helicopters:
In the development of advanced Ka-50 attack helicopters in 1977, when the fleet of the Soviet Army attack helicopter was made by Mi-24s. In terms of performance that could challenge the new American AH-64 Apache helicopter fire support, which was then developed. Various configurations of the helicopter and examined, as a designer "Kamov" trying to create a new machine than combat. The experience in Vietnam and Afghanistanhad the low profitability of the classic single-rotor helicopter disclosed because of its vulnerable tail rotor disk and rotor foam.
Rc Helicopter
The advantages of an aerodynamically balanced coaxial main rotor came to the fore. The helicopter rotor provides easier control in both manual and, above all, auto mode, excellent maneuverability, departure and landing in windy weather. The coaxial rotor helicopter has significantly improved survival, makes driving the rotormore compact and significantly reduced the loss of engine power. Today, Ka-50 helicopter with a view to better the world is the efficient use of engine power.
Many of us no one can doubt Russia's MiG-29 and world famous acrobatic stunt called the "bell", or Su-27's "Pugachev Cobra", recalls the shock experts and spectators. Ka-50 also has its own aerobatic team, our de Force: No other machine can perform the so-called "funnel" as perfect as Ka-50. In fact, the "funnel" is aElement stunt, to ensure the concentration of the helicopters to locate the objectives of fire. In addition, the continuous movement of the helicopters in the "funnel" of azimuth and elevation enemy makes it very difficult times. The Ka-50 can shift the angle to 80 km / h, or back to 90 km / h. It only takes a few seconds in flight to turn back. Ka-50 is the only job in the world able to hover motionless for twelve hours straight! The priorities of the company "Kamov" far beyond their reachunmatched experience in the theory and practice of building coaxial rotor helicopter. In 1965 the company launched the fiberglass rotor blades show in their helicopters ten years before the rest of the world. Like the leaves of the fourth generation are now installed in the Ka-50. One of the Ka-50 rotor blades of the last 30 holes caused by blows to automatically test the survivability of helicopters. The boat went on without incident for 80 hours of flight.
The Ka-50 has the power to fight is basedessentially anti-tank missiles and guns. Often, an attack helicopter tanks, is a good target foe. Ka-50 is able to respond to this threat with his "Vikhr" supersonic anti-tank missiles, with a maximum range of 10 km. This weapon helps to reduce spending by helicopter to the burn area, rather than at the same time, the effective range of enemy air defense missiles. The combination of the missile warhead at supersonic speed includes several backups. Allthese factors to jam the system with high accuracy test, a commitment to effective combination of different targets, including hardened targets (with dynamic armor up to 900 mm only) and air targets flying at speeds up to 800 km / h, using the same type of ammunition. The rocket is known for its coverage, the enemy understands only if the attack hit. This weapon is characterized by falling reserves, which are also used to fight to improve his skills.tests have demonstrated the excellent features of the automatic control system of power: the objectives of a small distance defeated far more effective.
The powerful 30 mm gun was by the army and ammunition in connection with the loan fully standardized with BMP-2 infantry mechanized vehicle. The 2A42 cannon is loaded quick selection of fire and allows for selective supply of ammunition, two boxes with piercing and high explosive sounds. This projectgreater efficiency of the gun by more than 30 percent into the fire against light armor or air targets. The course of life, which allows the full load of 500 laps continuously fire without intermediate cooling. The BMP-2 and the army attack helicopter weapon mount proved reliable in extreme dust. The gun assembly in Ka-50 is rather unusual. To maintain high accuracy, along with other notable features is the gun installed in the center of the helicopterGravity.
This ensures strength requirements and eliminates the need for further reinforcement of the structure. In addition, this factor helps to reduce the recoil effect, the helicopter weight and keep the attention on how the spent round. The electro-hydraulic servo-drive provides for vertical and horizontal run to keep the line of fire. The 2A42 cannon mount "Kamov" experts in the development and management of avionics systems. The contract for an integrated approachelectronic control weapons and avionics system developed was assigned to a specialized firm that similar systems for MiG and Su-places. The Ka-50 and the crew was so "Vikhr" missiles are developed by a team of designers from the weapon Shipunov AG, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences of the head.
Ka-50 armament different versions have been proposed to improve the boat's existing fleet of Army helicopters and allow the firedifferent objectives. load capacity locks Pylon ', the only limitation: the terms are attached Ordnance four suspensions that can get virtually all systems based on air weapons. For the full range of ammunition, no changes in the design or algorithm of arms control is required.
The weapon pylons can be tilted. Following a deviation of 10 degrees down, masts, to some degree, the suspension of new properties to conventional weapons on them.Fuel tank can count on all the mountains, if necessary.
Group Operations for combat helicopters, Ka-50 has the necessary equipment and receives data from various systems of educational management. The data received are displayed on the windshield indicator.
To achieve high precision in the operation of air weapon systems, the human operator has been replaced by an automatic control system. The human factor, which are the appropriate emotions and stresses, was eliminated fromcritical element of the system due to the high quality of the national defense sector and experience of long-term "Kamov" experts in the development and management of avionics systems. The contract for weapons control electronics and integrated avionics system developed was assigned to a specialized firm who have similar systems for MiG and Su-places. The Ka-50 team has been reduced to a minimum: It consists of a pilot.
From the beginningHelicopter brought improved survival. On the one hand, a compact single-pilot was easier to protect the raft, while the protection should be reliable enough to ensure the only crew member. Unlike its counterpart, "Apache", the Ka-50 is very much smaller units. complete elimination of the tail rotor, together with its controls and means of transmission that give the tail boom can be sustained without serious consequences. Measures to improve both theSurvival Craft and REW ensure the successful resolution of at least 26 problems. These include the continuous operation of the drive rotor, despite a damaged oil system that supports emergency exits, fire extinguishers and many other large.
Composite materials are thirty-five percent of the helicopter structure. They are not simply to reduce the weight of the craft. When hit by bullets or grenades, do not go Composites produce side effects(Splinter, sketches) characteristic of a metal surface.
Particular attention was to protect the flight compartment and fuel system. The Ka-50 pilot in a cockpit is fully armored and shielded sits with a weight of just over 300 kg. Several experiments with different protective materials demonstrated high reliability and combat characteristics of the combination of steel tanks. The case is part of the hull of the basic structure in more than force. Because of the improved counterShell strength of such weapons, the pilot of several direct hits from 20mm shells only. The cockpit design and layout of the changes affecting 10-15% of the inner compartment on impact with the ground. No component helicopter in the cockpit when their attachments to penetrate destroyed.
The new helicopter landing gear and fuselage are designed to absorb ground impact overloads. The scheme of power supply system prevents any possibility of fire following ahard landing craft. If one of the two engines are damaged, the Ka-50, continued flight on one engine operating system. The oscillating rotor control rod plate to keep working, even if they were shot two large caliber machine gun holes.
The security of emergency funding it deserves special attention. And 'the world's first practical system of helicopter rescue pilot eject. The system works reliably in every critical situation. The helicopter single-seater concept ensurespilot maximum survival. The K-37 course at the company "Zvezda" by the team of head designed GI Severin, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences allows pilot emissions at all altitudes and speeds, including zero. The pilot can also help you out of trouble, without expectoration. A series of consecutive operations are performed on board the vehicle, as the system worked. This includes the emptying of the main rotor blade through the opening panel of the cockpit and the operation of the following expulsionCrankcase. The old system is the cheapest car to a helicopter because of lack of time available during the course of at least altitude.
The problem of time and effort with the ground staff for preparing the vehicle for the campaign has been successful for the Ka-50 fixed. As the helicopter on the ground is concrete, built electric trains, providing easy adjustment of the arms with a weight of five kilograms to 500 bar. The supersonic missiles are loaded as part of theCongestion in the process of crates of ammunition belt is simplified and mechanized. Provision of equipment by helicopter, for operation of several specialists at once. The unit is easily accessible for opening large hood. The Ka-50 has a special Teflon grease hinges in all fields of the mechanical system used.
Enjoy a life of at least ten times longer than normal storage conditions. The Army Ka-50 was designed for prolonged operationfrom unprepared airfields shine away from the main bases.
According to Air Force specialists and foreign experts, Ka-50 is not just another business goodwill combat: it represents a new trend in the construction of army helicopters and air force tactics. to "neutralize" the first U.S. helicopter AH-64A "Apache" attack designed Ka-50 has surpassed his rival in every way. We now have foreign companies that receive contracts for army helicopters to meet the needs of customers to offera machine at least as good as Kamov-50.
One of the producers of Ka-50 Black Shark attack helicopter diecast model "Revell".
Diecast Helicopter Model - Black Shark Ka-50 attack helicopterAnyone Can Fly a helicopter? Electric RC Helicopter Evolution!
RC is one of the most fascinating people of the invention, grab people's attention, anywhere to fly. Not surprisingly, RC Helicopters earned its place as one of the most interesting hobby to pursue. This fact probably came to be because of the nature engaging, exciting and thrilling to the hobby. To add to this, the models make it even more modern technology can offer in miniature.
Not long ago, very few have ever had the pleasure of obtaining aTaste of flying these incredible machines. For one simple reason - it was once too expensive to buy and too expensive to maintain. Ah - many thought that this hobby could be and remain forever in one of these exclusively for the rich. Some people do not like the smell of petrol or gas engine exhaust noise. Do not be afraid! Those days are over!
Rc Helicopter
Most people can do very easy to fly RC helicopters, thanks to significant improvements in batteries, motors,and general electronics in recent years. These innovations result in a new field of RC - electric helicopter - at the same time opens a new dimension of possibilities. Among these helicopters flying in and right in your garden, while at the same time does not cause pollution and less noise. In addition, maintenance costs, that scare most people now reduced so low that it will not hurt the portfolio used in any way.
Today's technology also allowsto build this new generation of RC be much smaller than their predecessors. This not only makes many people's childhood dream of domestic flights, and for easy transport. Not that there is very broad as it can be flown directly to your home to deal with. The need for long treatment significantly decreased as well. Forget about heavy haul flight box full of equipment. If the repair was needed, it can be done entirely in rule no more than a screwDriver. Often able to repair your bare hands.
Reliability of electric cars more than the gas versions, because the electric motors instead of nitro engines. Electric motors are much cheaper, much less tedious and less polluted. Unlike gas engines, electric motor almost never cuts as an engine works. This means no more arriving engine stalling in the air!
Do not think for one second that the cheap power will not be long. Modern RCModels use lithium-polymer batteries. These types of electric batteries to enable longer - or more - cheap gas powered. In addition, when the tank is empty, nitro helicopter engines is cut suddenly. On the other hand, close their electric brethren slowly and gives a lot of time to land safely.
Beginners will find that there is now much easier to block this hobby. While nitro helicopter bucket easily pull moisture away from training pilotsdemonstrate their proficiency in these new supply much easier. Six channels are no longer necessary to fly, helicopter pilots can now begin to learn just 2, 3 and 4 channels. Some models with two rotors that rotate in opposite directions, eliminating the need for a tail rotor. This means that a channel less to worry about learning. And what's more, most of these beginner helicopters fly right next to the field. N. spending weeks trying to assemble the kits complicated.
On the other hand, forexperienced pilots, the high-end fashion-such as T-Rex 450 Align T-Rex 600 offers high-performance 3D craft that will delight even the most avid pilot.
Where once a small helicopter flying around at home was once a far fetched dream, electric RC helicopter has made this dream a reality very lively and very funny!
Anyone Can Fly a helicopter? Electric RC Helicopter Evolution!Sunday, May 29, 2011
Facts about Electric RC
An electric or battery-powered helicopter is just one of the most common types of RC helicopters available. At a time when it was used mostly indoors. But the most electric helicopters suitable for outdoor activities started aerobics and complex, winning the state. electric helicopters are for their silence makes it a popular choice especially for those who are close to residential areas and places where noise will be closely monitored as observed in Germany.
MostButterflies helicopter Electric feature an integrated control mode. You can decide to direct the gas without turning the throttle on the radio standard. Electric helicopters are very stable in a hover mode by providing stable power supply. It is not a pair.
Rc Helicopter
The usual electric helicopter includes 4 servos. Each of these servants rather than electricity consumption. The Battery Eliminator Circuit (BEC) must have sufficient capacity to provide enough current for all servosWorking at the same time. The BEC is usually built into the speed controls to prevent the weight of the batteries of the receiver. larger electric helicopters have begun to separate, high voltage "Ultimate BEC".
New materials for engine batteries have also been discovered. One of the most recent, remarkable results have been found, the chemical lithium. For the most part of various helicopter functions, it is not recommended. NiCad batteries are still preferred because of its reliability and costEfficiency. It loads faster and provides higher currents with no difficulty.
Many fans have electric helicopters R / C models recommended for beginners. It 'easy to fly and you do not have much to worry about technical problems. Regardless of your interests and level of experience in R / C helicopters, will not be any reason for not at all related to types such as electric.
Trivia: The world's smallest radio controlled model helicopter electric-series is the PicooZGuinness World Records, after the 2006th Cost is $ 30 and sold in various toy stores, electronics stores and online stores. Mosquito attacking a following in the list blade battery R / C helicopter.
world's smallest non-production R / C electric helicopter is the Micro Flying Robot developed by Seiko Epson in November 2003 for the International Robot Exhibition in Tokyo. It is 2.8 inches (70 millimeters) and weighs 0.31 ounces (8.9 grams). Includes 2Microprocessors, a gyro sensor, Bluetooth module, image sensor and an accelerometer.
Is there a website that the information on the large RC helicopter, the site called: RC helicopter in the world, and can be found at the following URL: http://www.rc-helicopters-world.com
By Robert W. Benjamin
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Saturday, May 28, 2011
Clutch Bell Assembly: V5
Clutch Bell Assembly: V5 Review
List Price : $35.99
Sale Price : $33.99
Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days
Clutch Bell Assembly: V5 Overview
Clutch Bell Assembly: V5Friday, May 27, 2011
Bert Kammerer TREX 700 Black Sheep 2008
Bert Kammerer put a little 'smack down on Black Sheep 2008th Awesome Piro flips and tick down on the cover, launching loops and much more.
Keywords: RC, Helicopter, Bert, Kammerer, TREX, 700
Further information on RC Helicopter (orientation SIDE) Fly
This video focuses on the practice of continuous and cyclic controls the rudder, but now the helicopter sideways ..... commonly referred to as the orientation "Site". The next video will teach you how to do your first short HOVER! Please subscribe to see once it comes out. mikey@mikeysrc.com E-mail if you and questions. This is part of a series of videos that will teach you to fly last 6-channel full function RC helicopter. The plan is to start on a coaxialHelicopter to provide the basics that will be divided into simple steps and practice. Once you have mastered these skills are ready, on the way to a 6-channel helicopter.
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Thursday, May 26, 2011
Syma S-001 3-Channel Indoor Electric RC Helicopter
A 3 channel RC
Tags: rc, helicopter, radio, control, toy
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Align T-Rex 700 Aluminum Hexagonal Bolt HN7048 New
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Discount Body/Canopy, White without Decals: BMCX
Body/Canopy, White without Decals: BMCX Review
Sale Price : $7.18
Availibility : Usually ships in 1-2 business days
Body/Canopy, White without Decals: BMCX Overview
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Radio Controlled Helicopter - Introduction
Unlike radio-controlled planes, remote controlled helicopters do not require a large mowed or paved runway, take off vertically, so that any reasonable size will open space to fly into the other end of the spectrum, are small radio controlled helicopters indoor electric helicopters is can fly in their own homes or other buildings. Add into the equation of the fun factor, and it is easy to see why Radio Controlled Helicopters show the strongest growth among the variousForms of radio control hobby.
There are many choices for every budget and ability when it comes to choosing an electric helicopter. fixed pitch, pitch-selective, 3, 4, 5 channels, different sizes and different brands. Aber's the best news is that it keeps costs down for the helicopters, while the technology better, more people can get started in this great hobby.
Rc Helicopter
However, there is another side to this huge selection of helicopters, and that is the informationOverload! If you do not have all the facts and understand some of the technical aspects of the hobby, will not be the best radio-controlled helicopter is right for you. This overload can lead to crashes, frustration and perhaps the problem with helicopters at all.
RC helicopter toy, micro coaxial rotor helicopter pitch and only hobby class radio controlled clock chopper "Striptease", in shopping centers and open spaces to start where you get the maximumJoy, frustration and even more important, at least for most people, for your money.
There are two schools of thought regarding what is the best approach to get started with remote-controlled helicopter. First, buy a cheap fixed-pitch propeller helicopter to learn and master if you go ahead and buy a helicopter extended. You risk less money if it is damaged and it was decided that the helicopters are not your thing. Secondly, a helicopter with good pace and selective learningand grow with it. You risk more money, but you will have a better flying experience, leading to more fun and more time to this hobby.
I personally favor the second option and you do not grow from one step to save as helicopters have a couple of months and so the money for the upgrade. You can high-performance helicopter, inserted, or configure it to learn how to start. Once the basic principles that you change the setting to control extra power.
Youare required to have more joy and fun with a strong overall quality of the helicopter, and this is the real advantage. Most people do not realize that you can use a helicopter to step actually easier than a fixed pitch of a fly. Getting through the selection of striking a fixed pitch helicopter, looking distracted my advice and go for a quality pitch helicopters like the E-Flite Blade 400th
One thing I would mention here, and this is important to avoid a helicopterStep and tail rotor of an electric motor have to learn this difficult. You need a tail rotor or belt driven with variable slope to react quickly enough to meet the evolving reactive torque to correct the expense of the main rotor. A tail rotor power can not be fast enough to respond to the queue constantly, and this is the most nervous.
Hobby class single-rotor helicopter is a challenge, no doubt. They are complex machines with hundreds of pieces. Single rotorHelicopters are unstable, of course, when the mouse pointer. But once you master the control animals and "Connect" so that the fun begins. Learning to float is the first step, float and can be compared to a large balance ball. Therefore, the radio remote controlled helicopter more difficult than other vehicles, cars and boats, as they always do, control of corrections in order to keep in the air.
However, if you learn to hover your helicopter, it is hopedselective gradient quality hobby helicopter, you will never forget the corrections control become second nature, and not be aware, they are doing. From now on it will be soon stunts and lots of fun and joy.
Radio Controlled Helicopter - IntroductionMonday, May 23, 2011
New VENOM NIGHT RANGER 3D XL PITCH LINKS For The Remote Control Helicopter Popular High Quality
New VENOM NIGHT RANGER 3D XL PITCH LINKS For The Remote Control Helicopter Popular High Quality Review
New VENOM NIGHT RANGER 3D XL PITCH LINKS For The Remote Control Helicopter Popular High Quality Feature
- This is the replacement pitch links set for the Venom Air Corps Night Ranger 3D XL remote control helicopter.
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New VENOM NIGHT RANGER 3D XL PITCH LINKS For The Remote Control Helicopter Popular High Quality Overview

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NightFlyyer test range of its radio RC. Results. AR-6110 2.4 GHz spectrum, Hitec and more ..
unfair trial, say some of you! LOL These are my radio and my range tests. These tests are proud of me. I hang one of the last 2.4-GHz spectrum of recipients, as well as some other radios I have. I've always been curious about the claims and the scope of these most recent radio, radio test against older people. After some space to do it and with the help of Jeff, (www.youtube.com) We decided to test range, as my 6110 2.4GHz spectrum, Hobby Zone Firebird Phantom FM 27MHz, 72MHz FM guanli, 2.4 GHz Exceed RC, andHitec Eclipse 7 Super Slim receiver narrow band for the approximate range. The results are quite impressive, so be sure to see the end to get it. Congratulations to all the producers to continue your efforts to improve our hobby. Thanks, Dave Herbert AMA # 8221 CD / LM / Scientific Horizon Hobby www.horizonhobby.com Xheli.com plans nitro http www.jdoqocy.com AMA http:/www.modelaircraft.org Hitec RCD http:/www.hitecrcd.com Disney Shop www.dpbolvw.net www.rc-televison.org
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Sunday, May 22, 2011
Remote Control Toys Ed Hardy - Hot Christmas Gifts for 2009
Rc Helicopter
Remote Control Toys Ed Hardy - Hot Christmas Gifts for 2009Raptor 90 RC Helicopter CSM
iheartheli.com Mike Gruol flying its 90th Raptor
Tags: Raptor, 90, Thunder, Titan, Mike, Gruol
Saturday, May 21, 2011
The hobby RC Helicopter
When to stop helicopter, toys, and start a real hobby? The answer is: they never do! But to really call RC helicopter flying a hobby for leisure, it must meet certain criteria. First, there must be a challenge. Many people start with a simple 2 channel helicopter toy degrees. But if you're a toy helicopter crash and break, is irreparable. You may be able to work quickly with tape and glue like, but it will never fly again the same. Chances are, youto the dustbin.
If you have a hobby grade (3-channel and above) RC helicopter crash, you can order a new part and replace it, how to use a machine. You can update, look for your chopper and fly better. For example, you can change the alloy body with plastic. You can have fun with your RC helicopter apart and put it back together just to see how it works.
Rc Helicopter
A large part of the fun of RC helicopters to fly in the sport of it. Learn allcomplicated acrobatic moves can always hear a black belt in karate! Especially if the members club and participate in competitions. The last amateur experience, however, to build your RC helicopter from scratch. Once thought only the area of gas and liquid fuel crafts, kits are now available for many of the RTF (ready to fly) remote control electric helicopter.
This is a great way to enter the hobby of RC helicopters, as many parts of the sealed components as they aremodern cars. This means that the gyro motor, servos, etc. are to acquire the same as for a repair RTF. That said, some people do not keep their helicopter in fact built from the ground, when to build it all yourself - even the transmitter and servos. You are more likely to see them in an electronics store as a provider model as a hobby.
You can get closer to the RC hobby helicopters in the same way to build a robot is a mechanical, electronic media, with a set of toolsrequired. However, each helicopter regular updating and fine-tuning, although it was ready to fly. Then, look at all the tools before buying more.
The hobby RC HelicopterFriday, May 20, 2011
RC Fishing! Dave Duke look at "Heli Fishing"
For you skeptics who say the fish are dead, I assure you that he was not dead. That said, I still risked my E-Flite Blade 400 for some entertainment for you (I have 3 batteries so that the cut) as fun and a challenge for me. I doubt that many risk their $ 450 heli just to be floating above the water, let alone dangle a line! This scenario demonstrates, it may be possible to use the helicopter for fishing, but it would be expensive fishing. It 's always terribly windy here, so in this calm day, thesimple waves in water was not relevant to a sunfish! It also helps to have a lot of fish, as in our box of sand around the lake where they bite on hooks with no bait! (Actually, I fish eggs and the hook 24 "from the bobber. Hey, you never know unless you try! *** *** Attention to experience, if the tail hits the water even slightly, will immediately cause a crash. Big fish can drain batteries quickly. It takes hours and pay between flights of only 6 minutes, so this could be a longProcess of taking a fish. Sunfish are not big fighters. Fly easy and thanks for watching. I hope you find this funny. Be sure to subscribe to more unique items from class Mr.Herbert s' science. and yes, I'll try again, so stay tuned.
Tags: RC, Fishing, fish, sunfish, Sibley, Iowa, Sand, Pit, Pond, E-Flite, Blade, 400, 3d, Xheli, Nitroplanes, Hobbypartz, Dave, Herbert, Mr., Herbert's, Science, Class
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Thursday, May 19, 2011
Syma S018 Aurora Mini 3-Channel Infrared RC Helicopter ---NEW!
Syma S018 Aurora Mini 3-Channel Infrared RC Helicopter ---NEW! Review
Syma S018 Aurora Mini 3-Channel Infrared RC Helicopter ---NEW! Feature
- Brand New & Ready-2-Fly, No Assembly required. Colors & Frequencies May Vary. We have Blue & Black color in stock.Flight Stabilizing System with adjustable trimming control.
- Suitable for indoor flying only.Suitable for ages 8 years+.Battery for the helicopter:3.7V-85MAH LI-POLY (included ).Requires 6 x AA Batteries for the transmitter (not included).Flight Range : Approx. 30 Ft
- Length : Approx. 7 Inches.Width : Approx. 5 Inches (with main rotors).Height : Approx. 3.35 Inches (from bottom to balance bar).Main Rotors Surface Diameter: Approx. 5 Inches
- Recharging takes place via the transmitter. The transmitter has an Alignment Trim, a Charging and Power.Indicator, a Left/Right Lever and a Trimmer.
- A lightweight Lithium Polymer battery.A 20-25 minutes charge is equal to a 7-10 minutes flight.
Syma S018 Aurora Mini 3-Channel Infrared RC Helicopter ---NEW! Overview
Available in Blue & Black Color. This Brand New 3 Channel mini rc helicopter is 1 of the world's newest, smallest and lightest RC Helicopter you can get! At approx. 7" long, it easily fits in the palm of your hand and is fully functional, which makes this helicopter an instant hot seller in the RC World. The mini AirWolf helicopter charges directly from the controller which uses "AA" batteries and has a full-function trim control for the perfect flight. Get one today before they all fly away!Available at Amazon